warner bros. — Ready Player One
Strategy: In a world where you can be whoever you want, it’s only what you do that matters.
"Ready Player One" is a pretty great book. And with Speilberg at the helm, it became a film that audiences really love (at press time, they were closing in on $500MM globally). For RPO, we wrote the manifesto, the power line that ended on posters, and the activation detailed below. It was inspired by the fact that the "Ready Player One" logo was itself a maze. So we came up with the idea of bringing that logo to life in a huge, immersive and interactive way, where people could go from room-to-room and experience a taste of the storyline first-hand. It was a huge success for WB, as the tickets for the experience sold out in just a couple of days.
Overhead shot of the experience. Our goal was to make the maze big enough to be seen from an airplane. Or in this case, a helicopter.
key art
The giant human-powered wallscape.
Full disclosure: They decided to do the maze instead of this...though we came close to doing both. The idea was to hire stuntmen and women to play for a crowd of onlookers below. We’d convert puzzles and challenges from the film into an epic wallscape for them to play. It would have been great.
The Spectacular…
…that would have been spectacular if we’d made it. We had the ‘Back To The Future” Delorean jumping from one billboard to another.